I've made it all the way to the letter O. That makes me seem pretty Organized, doesn't it? I'm not. I'm choosing words as they come to me--sometimes the day or night before. Sometimes I can't think of anything and go to sleep tossing around in my head, only to get up the next morning and frantically write something.
I should be organized. Any one who salivates over pastel colored index cards, white binders and all notepads should definitely have the gift of organization. Unfortunately, a place for everything and everything in its place doesn't apply to my life. My filing system leaves much to be desired. Most of the time, I use the stacking system: stack it on the bookshelf, stack it on the file cabinet, stack it on the floor. Stack it on anything that's flat!
My file cabinets are full--all three of them. Don't ask me what they contain because I don't have a clue. I've been writing for 100 years. Okay, slight exaggeration, but I got my first file cabinet (a gift from my husband) 30+ years ago. I was so sure I would fill it with great research, manuscripts and book contracts. I can't remember where the second 4-drawer file cabinet came from, but a few years ago I happened upon the third one at a Goodwill Store. I was so excited you'd have thought I'd found a diamond ring in their basket of cheap costume jewelry. It doesn't take much to thrill me--just mention office supplies and I twitch.
Our kids love to hear the story about how hubby and I left the Justice of the Peace and stopped by the nearest office supply store so I could pick up a few things. When asked what I want for Christmas, birthday, Mother's Day, Valentine's Day, I ask for a gift certificate to Office Depot but it hasn't happened yet. Do they think I'm kidding?
I know I can be Organized. It takes effort. Sometimes I'm so organized I surprise myself so I know I have it in me. I meet all deadlines. I take responsibility seriously. When it comes to the really, really important things, I'm Organized. All I have to do is focus, make lists and check them twice. I have to devote time to planning.
Are you a born organizer? If it doesn't come naturally, how do you manage it? What keeps you on track?
Usually people who manage kids, a spouse and a job or pretty organized, aren't they? They live by a schedule. I have loosey-goosey days and my schedule changes daily. What should I do?
Happy Thursday! Happy O-day!
I am normally not very organized, sometimes I surprise myself with how organized I can be if I make an effort.
I've got a couple of file cabinets too and they are pretty full. But these days I keep most of my records on computer so the cabinets kind of sit there unused.
Oh no I am dreadfully disorganised unless I work very hard at it. I have to plan to be organised and then actually do the work to make it happen.
It is coming slowly with practice.
Rachna, thanks for your comment. I surprise myself too. Sometimes!
Charles, I wish I could keep everything on the computer but I still depend on paper copies.
Cecilia - I agree that organization takes work.
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