Friday, April 4, 2014

E is for Emergency

Well, here I am in Longview, TX because of an Emergency with my mom. This time yesterday I was trying to think of a D-word, never giving my E-word a second thought.

I don't like the word Emergency. It's never a good thing whether it's with a loved one or a manuscript. Right? E-mer-gen-cy. It doesn't roll off my tongue; it sort of shuffles, stumbles, feeling awkward. Such an unpleasant word.

My mom is in a nursing home and was hit with a bladder infection, a stomach virus and bronchitis. That's enough to knock anyone for a loop, much less a little old woman who
just turned 90. So when my brother called this morning to tell me Mom wanted to go to the hospital, that she wanted her kids there and for him to find her Last Will and Testament, I hopped in the car and headed to Texas. She's never been prone to that kind of drama! Well, maybe she has. The pic at the right was taken a few months ago. I told her my daughter and some of her friends were coming to visit her so she practiced posing.

Anyway, by the time I got to the nursing home today (a 4 1/2 hour drive), she was somewhat better, no need for a hospital--just her two kids. She perked up a little and tried to entertain us with her wit but I could tell it was an act.

So, Emergency is the word for the weekend--as much as I hate to use it. I'd certainly prefer Eccentric which sounds fascinating to me. Or Easy money which always sounds tempting but really, just a fantasy. Even Elephant sounds more delightful.

Emergency - I don't wish my E-word on any of you. May all your friends and loved ones have a good and safe weekend, and I pray you have no Emergencies.

I'll see you Monday with a much better word! Promise!

I am blogging my way through the alphabet with others who are doing the same..
Please support the bloggers of the #AtoZchallenge by visiting, sharing or commenting.  It's fun!


Paige Hamilton said...

Praying for your mother this morning! I hope she makes a surprising quick recovering. :)

Charles Gramlich said...

Glad to hear it was not as serious as first thought. Emergency and Emergency room are definitely words I'm afraid of.

Cathy said...

Praying for your mama and your family.

Chris Kelworth said...

Yeah, emergency is not a fun word. Hope your mother emerges to her usual energy. ;) And it's great to meet you.

Kate OMara said...

No more emergencies! Hope she's better soon.

Battered Hope said...

So glad I discovered you in this A - Z Challenge. My "E" post was for "Emergency" as well -- but quite different than yours. If we want to connect I am at

You are so blessed to have had your mom with you for so many years.