Thursday, June 18, 2009

Mmmmm, Mmmmm, good!

My friend Debra challenged me months ago to plant some tomatoes. I didn't have much luck last year and felt discouraged. The Ferguson 'garden' looks pretty good today. I'm really proud of us but glad we don't have to depend 0n our own produce to fill our tummies. The first pic is my a baby squash; I think the sun baked it today. We're waiting for our tomatoes to turn red and I have no idea when I should pluck that bell pepper. My husband has already tasted the banana peppers. They smell wonderful! :) Thanks, Debra for getting me all jazzed up to plant. . . wish I could get motivated to rewrite that novel.

1 comment:

Debra Harris-Johnson said...

Your garden is beautiful! I've been asked your blog address by several people wanting to take a peek at the veggies. Congrats...and keep it going.