Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Conference Prepared!

There's more to getting ready for a conference than selecting what you're going to wear. I have to get mentally prepared. Last year that was easy. I was an active member of Toastmasters so I was getting up in front of my group on a weekly basis and speaking off the top of my head. This year I've been holed up trying to finish my novel so my social skills are lacking.

I try to visualize myself speaking to an editor about my book, and I just can't quite see it. I do have an appointment so whether I see it or not, it will happen.

The big thing this year--at least for me--is meeting my agent. I'll walk away from him with confidence, feeling encouraged and that it's just a matter of time before I see my book in print, or I'll come away feeling I've made a huge mistake: that I've written an unmarketable book, that I've signed with the wrong agent or perhaps I've signed too soon, that I made a big booboo switching (once again) from nonfiction to fiction. But, regardless of how I feel on Sunday afternoon when I leave the ACFW conference in Dallas, I need to remember:

Tell the righteous it will be well with them, for they will enjoy the fruit of their deeds. Isaiah 3:10 NIV

Father God, you've blessed me tremendously. Give me patience, Lord, and the wisdom to wait for only your best. Oh, and Lord, please help my agent be an encourager. Thanks!

1 comment:

Elizabeth Ludwig said...

Hey, Jess,

You've been working hard this year. Even if you don't feel as prepared to speak as last year, I'm going to be praying that God bless your hard work and effort.

I'm learning to EXPECT great things out of our Lord. Just lately, I've been praying that He open my eyes to His everyday miracles. It's really changed my perspective.