Janet Benrey about 20 -25 authors. She handls romantic suspense, cozies, romance and some thrillers.
Terry Burns wants good books. Check out Hartline Literary Agency for submmission guidelines.
Janet K. Grant has been an agent for about twelve years. Check out her submission guidelines and the fabulous authors she reps.
Joyce Hart has been in Christian publishing and marketing for 29 years. She's been an agent for 15 years. Her agency has over 100 clients and will look at adult fiction, all genres, non-fiction, YA, and some children's. Go to her website and familiarize yourself with her agents and her guidelines.
Beth Jusino reps from 20-25 novelist. She's with Alive Communications. You can spend hours on the Alive website ga-gaing over their big name authors. Be sure to read Rick Christian's Q&A. They also have some great examples of fiction and nonfiction proposals.
Natasha Kern works in CBA and ABA. She's looking for books that touch and inspire her. She's looking for storytellers. Natasha reps one of my favorite authors, Robin Lee Hatcher.
Steve Laube has been an agent for four years. He has a question for you to answer before you submit to him: Are your pages going to rivet my attention?
Wendy Lawton is with Books and Such and has been an agent for almost three years. She's looking for people who are writing with a heart for God. She also threw out the word eclectic.
Chip MacGregor is also a CBA/ABA agent. He says, "In fiction, I'm always looking for a read that changes me." Check out Chip's informative blog to be entertained and informed.
Kelly Mortimer is the owner of the Mortimer Literary Agency. That agency is growing fast. She's a relatively new agent with some big successes. She has no readers in her agency. Kelly reads every submnission for herself and handles unpublished writers. She works in ABA and CBA.
Les Stobbe has been and editor for twenty one years and an agent for fourteen years. He is known as a first book agent. He handles adult nonfiction and fiction and occasionally sells to the general market. Les has a heart for new authors.
Love this post, Jess. The links are great. Did you know you were going to do this when you went to the conference? I love the idea. People who couldn't be there will get a lot out of this.
Thanks for the post. Lots of good information. :-)
Great post! Wish I'd taken better notes the whole way through--must learn to write faster. It was great to meet you in person!
Hi Jess,
This is an excellent review of the agent panel! And a few tidbits more that are very helpful. I really have to say how great it was to see you over and over throughout the conference. You are an uplifting and joyous person to be around.
Wow! Great job! Thanks for posting this! Although I did attend the conference, I still found it to be very helpful! It was great seeing you at ACFW and hopefully we'll see each other again next year!
What, none of the agents said what TYPE of fiction they're looking for right now? They did last year. What's up?
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