Wednesday, March 7, 2007

The Case of the Empty Purse

It doesn't take much to distract me. I picked up the latest issue of Writer's Digest and noticed their latest challenge:

Write a short story of 750 words or fewer based on this issue's prompt: a scene in which a woman, under no threat of bodily harm, is forced to empty her purse.

So... for the past two hours I've been asking myself why would a woman empty her purse? Why, why, why? My mind is blank, but if you can come up with a good story on why a woman would empty her purse, then email it to
All entries must be in the text of the email - ABSOLUTELY NO ATTACHMENTS.
Oh, yeah, the deadline is March 10th.

You don't have long. :)

Prizes: The winner receives $100 and publication in an issue of WD
Don't forget your name & mailing address.

1 comment:

Jessica Ferguson said...

I'm getting in pretty bad shape when I start responding to my own post. :) Just wanted you to know that I know -- I used the word 'latest' twice in one sentence. For shame! I'm mortified!