my name is ___ and I’m working toward a thousand dollar scholarship for nurses
training. You do like nurses, don’t you? ‘Cause I sure need your help. If I get
enough points, I’m eligible for the scholarship. You see … if you order this
periodical, I’ll get ten points, and this one is twenty … No not magazines!
Have you ever seen the advertisement in the newspaper
that states: Make money. Travel southern states, Drive late model car. No
experience necessary. Parents welcome at interview.
Don’t answer that ad.
In the late 60s, having graduated from high school
and dropped out of college after a couple of semesters, I moved to Little Rock,
Arkansas to live with an aunt. I couldn’t find a job anywhere. No experience,
no work. You’ve probably heard that line.
So when I saw the ad in the paper that touted No Experience
Necessary, I was determined to get that job—even though the ad didn’t say what the
job was all about.
I met a woman at a motel for the interview—maybe that
should have been the first red flag. She was blonde, very attractive and said
they were pulling out of Little Rock immediately. If I wanted the job, I had thirty
minutes to pack and leave with them. Second red flag—the rush job.
What would I be doing? Working in periodicals. In my
mind working in periodicals translated
to working in publishing. Naïve me.
I accepted the job and for the next several months,
I travelled from state to state with a magazine crew, spouted the spiel above
about scholarships and nursing school, and verbally tackled any moving object
that looked like he had a wallet of money.
Basically, I was a liar for hire.
Working for a magazine crew was an interesting (and
scary) experience. There were young people from all over the country who signed
on—for one reason or another. Many of the guys were handicapped in some way:
one was in a brace from the waist down, and another had an artificial leg. One
was running from the law. He was with us for a short while until he made off
with some of the funds. They caught him in New Orleans with our car—no money.
We picked up another girl in Little Rock right after
I signed on. She cried day and night. Her mom had attended the interview,
talked with Fran who was in charge of the girl’s crew, and she still sent her daughter with us. Eileen
said her military father thought the job might help her grow up. I always
thought there was more to it than that. But, we couldn’t handle Eileen’s constant
crying to go home so after awhile, Fran put her on a bus back to Little Rock. Normally, once a young person signs on with a crew, they aren't allowed to leave.
I hung in there and tried to make the best of it. Every morning we’d hop in the car
with our driver and head out. Every evening we’d meet at a designated motel,
turn our money over to Fran and Alex (in charge of the guys), have a business
meeting and then retreat to our room.
We had a quota. We had to sell a certain amount of
periodicals each day. The first time I didn’t make my quota, they left me out until
after dark, walking the streets until I did. After that, I’d buy a magazine
myself and send it to my dad if I came up short. I wasn’t above begging a
customer to buy one so I wouldn’t have to stay out on the streets. The crew of
guys usually hit downtown businesses. The girls hit anything that breathed, from
one town to the next.
There were rules we had to follow. Mainly, we were
forbidden to be negative. No phone calls home because talking with family would
make us homesick and that’s negative. And we had to make our quota. I can’t
remember what our quota was but if we consistently didn’t make it, we had to
practice our sales spiel (the one above) with the entire group and get a
critique. We requested money for food daily, and Fran kept talley of what we
We ate in small cafés and truck stops. I lived on
chicken fried steak.
When Christmas came around, the crew was expected to
go home with Fran to spend the holidays together. That would insure that we all
made it back on the road. Not me. I had a plan. They dropped me off in Longview
with instructions that they would swing back by and pick me up on January 2nd.
I let them believe it. When Fran called to arrange our meeting place, I told
her I wouldn’t be returning. She wasn’t happy with me.
Magazine crews are still around today. If you'd like to learn more about them, or know someone who needs help because of a magazine crew, check out this site. I’ve
researched and some of them sound a lot rougher than the one I worked for out of
Jackson, Mississippi. Just the other day, a young man knocked on our apartment
door and told us he was working for points. I always feel a little sad for
these kids—even though, the new crews don’t seem to use ‘kids’ to sell their
periodicals. I’ve spotted all ages.
When Fran and Alex came back through Longview one
year, a friend called me and I met her at the motel where they stayed. I was
able to visit for just a brief time until Fran got wind of me and asked me to
leave. After all, a visit with me—a former crew member—could be a very negative thing.
I’ve been plotting a YA mystery series about a young
woman who works for a magazine crew. What do you think? Have you had any experience with magazine crews or their sales people? Share.