When we evacuate our homes leaving everything we own behind--television is our lifeline. We truly count on those who hold microphones and stand in front of the cameras to show us what's happening in our area.

Shepherd Smith, stationed in New Orleans, was in front of the cameras constantly, but came across ill-prepared. Winging it, I guess. His exaggerated comments sounded as if he were trying out for a part in a movie, or perhaps dictating a work of fiction. At one time, he said the storm was headed to two cities to the west of New Orleans. Shep, do you know how many cities are to the west of New Orleans?

In all fairness to Adam, he didn't get much air time but when he did, those of us from LC who were scattered across several states longed to hear real news about what was happening in our town.

I've defended Geraldo to family and friends for years, standing up for him when others criticize his reporting methods. Never again. My daughter and I watched what he called the most spectacular rescue he'd ever seen and couldn't believe our ears. This from a man who has been in Afghanistan? We recognized immediately that the Coast Guard was in control and that the man in the life jacket wasn't in need of a rescue. He was working. Working. Not performing.
A special note to Geraldo and all reporters: We here in Louisiana and along the Gulf Coast pray for our properties when we have to evacuate them. We pray for our friends, our law enforcement, our city leaders--even the news media reporting the storms in their dramatic way. While we're praying, we don't want to hear newsmen using God's name in vain.
Reporting storms isn't a time to show off, act cute or lie to those of us huddled around the TV. We want the facts. We hang on every word. We're living in fear that we'll be returning to soaked carpets, roofless houses or nothing more than a slab. Any mention of our towns and what's happening there is appreciated. We want serious men and women giving us news about every city in harm's way. And we appreciate it immensely when reporters call our towns by name and pronounce those names correctly. It shows they've done their homework.
Fox dropped the ball. Their reporters lacked professionalism and compassion, and added very little news to a tense, scary situation. In the future I hope they show us respect by informing us...not entertaining us. We're not looking for entertainment when everything we own is at risk.

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