Today, ‘they’
say a woman older than 40 shouldn’t wear long hair. You can read about it HERE. My mother used to have long
red hair—until I came into her life. Remember, I told you she was a private
duty nurse; she worked nights and slept days. I had to entertain myself and one
day I did that by cutting her long red hair as it flowed off the side of the
bed. I can’t remember if she spanked me or not. Since I’ve blocked that memory,
she probably did. She was a spare the rod
spoil the child mama.
When I look
at this picture of my grandmother when she was young (middle child standing), I can’t help but wonder
how she was raised. I know that she was sent to school “in town” along with one
musically talented brother. Neither one of them liked the town school and
eventually didn’t attend it any more. I wonder how long they did go.
As an older
pre-schooler, I stayed with my grandmother while my mother worked or slept because she worked the night shift. Mom
said she didn’t like it when I started talking like my grandmother—calling my underwear
drawers and the front porch the gallery.
I remember
several things about my grandma:
She was a great
cook. I loved her egg custard pies. Oh, how I wish I had her recipe.
I remember
crawling under a tractor to get some eggs for her. I bumped my head and she thought that was so
funny. I didn’t.
She would wring
the necks of chickens, throw them to the ground and watch them flop. Her arms
were always scratched up from their sharp claws. Her fried chicken sure tasted good!

She was a
wonderful quilter. She had a frame that hung from the ceiling upstairs and
several of the neighbors would come and do whatever they do on quilting frames.
See how much I know about quilting? When she was 90, she entered a quilt in the
local fair. (I realize she looks bald in this pic, but her hair is in that tight little knot at her neck.)
Look at
these four generations of women: Do we favor? In what way? Do you favor your grandparents or have any neat stories about
your grandmas?
As you might imagine, I'm a fan of long hair, especially on women. I don't agree that women over 40 should have short hair. I protest! :)
I like my wife's hair long the best, and I'm always sad when it's time to cut our boys' curls off, too. I even wore my hair long in college - it was a curly mess. There is something about long hair that's endearing.
'I remember crawling under a tractor to get some eggs for her. I bumped my head and she thought that was so funny. I didn’t.' - LOL! I can't help laughing at slapstick, I just can't.
Loved reading about your grandmother and her long hair - and I really love the old family portrait where she's holding the fan.
My mom, husband and dog all lived together with my gram for eight years, my mom and I co-caring for her (but she was in good health and it wasn't too difficult) until she passed away at 93. Eight years of stories are too many to share here, but they were a wonderful near decade of multi-generation 'Waltons' living.
Oh my! I've heard of kids cutting their own hair, but your mom's! I don't know what I would do if that happened to me. Probably bawl my head off. And I love fried chicken, but if I had to wring the necks of the chickens to make it...I might have become a vegetarian.
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