Wednesday, July 23, 2008

My Quote of the Month

You know how much I love quotes. They encourage me and make me think. Sometimes I read thoughts by other writers that truly speak to my soul and I don't want to lose them. I print them out to tape to my computer. The quote below is worthy of such a spot.

Never, ever, ever, ever, ever, EVER reject yourself. That’s the job of the editor or agent. Don’t do their job for them! Your job is to write your best stuff. Your job is to present that in the most appealing way you can. Your job is to keep on keeping on until you make it. When you write something and then don’t even make an honest effort to sell it, you are rejecting yourself. Don’t do that!~Randy Ingermanson

I am so guilty of rejecting myself. Why? Is it fear of failure or fear of success? We've had this discussion before, I know, but I still ponder it. My daughter told me that her education professor discussed a particular kind of student that all teachers encounter at one time or another: the student who won't attempt anything if there's a chance of failure. Can you imagine? Since there's always a chance of failure that student--in essence--must never attempt anything new. Believe it or not, I know someone who has that trait.

Hopefully, we writers aren't that bad. Unless we've just started our writing journey, we're certainly familiar with failure. All writers are filled with a certain amount of doubt and insecurity. If s/he isn't then s/he's filled with a heck of a lot of arrogance, in my humble opinion.

Read Randy's quote again. Let it saturate your soul:

Never, ever, ever, ever, ever, EVER reject yourself. That’s the job of the editor or agent. Don’t do their job for them! Your job is to write your best stuff. Your job is to present that in the most appealing way you can. Your job is to keep on keeping on until you make it. When you write something and then don’t even make an honest effort to sell it, you are rejecting yourself. Don’t do that!~Randy Ingermanson

Now go check out his website and subscribe to his newsletter. This guy knows what he's talking about and he has a heart for encouraging writers.


Erica Vetsch said...

That's a good quote and a good reminder. Press on, do the work, take the risks. Thanks, Randy, via Jess.

Laurie Kolp said...

Love the quote. Have you had a chance to visit my blog? I'd love to hear what you think.

Laurie K.

Christa Allan said...

Both scary and encouraging...Thanks. For a guy who can be pretty funny, he's also "spot on" about the writing gig.